New offering makes it easy for users of all ages to create multi-media holiday greetings straight from where their images and videos are stored—their mobile device
CLEVELAND, Aug. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The holiday season is a time to connect with loved ones, spread joy and show love, and there is no better way to share these sentiments than by sending holiday greetings. Research conducted by American Greetings showed that nearly 90% of Americans say receiving holiday greetings brings them joy!
But what makes the perfect holiday greeting? American Greetings posed this question in a recent poll to find that Americans’ favorite holiday greetings elements include personal messages (71%), photos (60%), and “Year in Review” newsletters (23%). The newest digital greetings line from American Greetings offers the perfect solution, incorporating all three.
Pics & Wishes ™, a line of multi-media greetings available from the American Greetings iOS mobile app, was specifically designed to make creating and sending heartfelt greetings extremely easy, personalized and affordable.
With Pics & Wishes™, users of all ages and skill levels can unleash their creativity by utilizing easy-to-use card-builder technology from American Greetings.
- Choose a card: Select from a variety of predesigned templates.
- Personalize it: Upload up to 20 of your favorite photos and/or a video straight from your device – no need to transfer image or video files to your PC.
- Add your message: Add thoughtful messages—from simple holiday greetings to “year-in-review” stories—or anything in between.
- Send it: Send instantly via email, text, social post, or your preferred messaging app.
“Holidays are a time for connecting with loved ones and reflecting on the year, and Pics & Wishes™ combines all the favorite features of a greeting card into an easy, affordable and sustainable solution so that you can share the joy of the season with all of your friends and family,” said Rob Matousek, Executive Director-Direct to Consumer Business at American Greetings. “Whether it’s Grandparents looking forward to seeing photos of the kids, an extended relative who wants to read about your year, or your close friends who want to watch cute videos of the pets, there are plenty of ways to share the love and brighten the holiday season for everyone on your list.”
Pics & Wishes™ is ideal for recognizing other seasonal holidays and occasions such as Graduation, New Baby, and Engagement/Wedding.
Best of all, to maximize value, a membership to American Greetings.com allows an unlimited number of sends for Pics & Wishes™—as well as access to Creatacard™, SmashUps™ and all other American Greetings ecards. For added ease, subscribers can pre-schedule virtual greeting cards up to one year in advance when sending by email. Membership is available at $6.99 per month, $29.99 per year or $39.99 for two years.
For more information on Pics & Wishes™ or to download the app, visit https://www.americangreetings.com/pics-and-wishes. Follow American Greetings on Facebook @AmericanGreetingsDigital and on Instagram @americangreetingsdigital.
About American Greetings:
American Greetings is a global leader in the large and enduring Celebrations marketplace. The company helps people celebrate holidays, each other, and all of life’s special moments, in-person and online, guided by a mission to “make the world a more thoughtful and caring place every single day.” American Greetings offers products wherever and however, people wish to purchase them – online, in-store, or curbside pickup. Celebrations happen throughout the year, driven by traditional holidays, key milestone moments such as weddings, baby showers and graduations, as well as recurring everyday events such as birthdays and anniversaries. The company’s brands include American Greetings, Papyrus, Recycled Paper Greetings, Paper Rebel, Carlton Cards, Today and Always, DesignWare party goods, and Plus Mark gift wrap and boxed cards. Its digital business unit, AG Interactive, is a leading provider of digital greetings and premium celebrations content through proprietary technology platforms and apps. Our popular digital brands include American Greetings, Blue Mountain, SmashUps™, justWink™, Creatacard™, and Pics & Wishes™. For more information, visit corporate.americangreetings.com. Follow American Greetings @AmericanGreetings on Facebook and @AmericanGreetingsDigital on Instagram. Learn more at americangreetings.com.